Fight cankerworm! Let's All Band Together!

Hello Neighbors!
This is Squishy the very hungry Cankerworm. Bet you have forgotten how Squishy and millions of his relatives defoliated our lovely trees last Spring. Yards and yards of sticky filaments blowing through the air, little green worms in your hair, down your shirt, in your food if you were foolish enough to attempt dining al fresco. And just think, of all the millions of cankerworms, at least half were female. And each one of those will lay millions of eggs in the tops of our trees this November and December, unless...
Yes! We must all band together. (corny I know, but not my cliche). If you band, but your neighbors don't, your money and efforts will be wasted. If your neighbors band, and you don't, then you, my friend are responsible for the 2nd year of record cankerworm infestation in Charlotte, and consequently the third, after which all the beautiful big oaks will die. Damaged and dying trees drop large, heavy limbs, possibly on children or pets playing beneath. Do you want to be responsible for death and destruction? So please!!!! Everyone, band your trees.
For a pamphlet on ways to fight cankerworms, call the city landscape management office at 704-336-4262.